Affiliate Research


Title Affiliate Author Topic Year
Performing on cue? The formation of public opinion toward war Christopher Gelpi Attitudes/Attitude Change, Violence, Media 2010
Paying the Human Costs of War: American Public Opinion and Casualties in Military Conflicts Christopher Gelpi Attitudes/Attitude Change, Violence, Moral Psychology 2009
A gateway conspiracy? Belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories prospectively predicts greater conspiracist ideation Russell Fazio Conspiracy Theory, Public Health 2022
Interventions to reduce partisan animosity Kurt Gray Behavioral Intervention, Politics/Political Ideology 2022
Putting Terror in Its Place: An Experiment on Mitigating Fears of Terrorism among the American Public Christopher Gelpi Attitudes/Attitude Change, Violence, Moral Psychology 2022
Conservatives’ susceptibility to political misperceptions Kelly Garrett, Robert Bond Politics/Political Ideology, Social Media 2021
Contracting COVID-19: a longitudinal investigation of the impact of beliefs and knowledge Russell Fazio Conspiracy Theory, Politics/Political Ideology, Public Health 2021
Examining the Left-Right Divide Through the Lens of a Global Crisis: Ideological Differences and Their Implications for Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic Russell Fazio Politics/Political Ideology, Public Health 2021
How populism and conservative media fuel conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 and what it means for COVID-19 behaviors Dominik Stecula Media, Politics/Political Ideology, Public Health 2021
Personal experiences bridge moral and political divides better than facts Kurt Gray Communication, Moral Psychology, Politics/Political Ideology 2021
Ambivalent attitudes promote support for extreme political actions Richard Petty Attitudes/Attitude Change, Violence, Politics/Political Ideology 2024
Conspiracy Theory and the Muslim Brotherhood in Post-Revolutionary Egypt: A Left-Right Convergence? Helen Murphey Conspiracy Theory, Politics/Political Ideology, Religion/Spirituality 2024
Objective numeracy exacerbates framing effects from decision-making under political risk Dominik Stecula Decision Making/Choice, Politics/Political Ideology, Statistical Modeling 2024
Victimhood: The most powerful force in morality and politics Kurt Gray Moral Psychology, Politics/Political Ideology 2024
Neutralizing the effect of political worldviews by communicating scientific agreement: A thought-listing study Graham Dixon Communication, Politics/Political Ideology 2018
Political Homophily in a Large-Scale Online Communication Network Robert Bond Communication, Internet/Online Platforms, Networks 2018
Psychological reactance from reading basic facts on climate change: The role of prior views and political identification Graham Dixon Climate Change, Communication, Politics/Political Ideology 2019
Unintended effects of emphasizing the role of climate change in recent natural disasters Graham Dixon Climate Change, Communication 2019
"Hillary Clinton Spring": Unpacking the Parti Destourien Libre’s Demonisation of the Arab Uprisings Helen Murphey Communication, Politics/Political Ideology 2023
Contemporary Conspirituality: Centering Gender in the Field of Conspiracy Theory Research Helen Murphey Conspiracy Theory, Gender, Religion/Spirituality 2023
Engagement with fact-checked posts on Reddit Kelly Garrett, Robert Bond Fact-Checking/Corrections, Internet/Online Platforms, Politics/Political Ideology 2023
For Whom Do Boundaries Become Restrictions? The Role of Political Orientation Selin Malkoc Politics/Political Ideology, Public Health, Social Cognition 2023
How attitudes impact the continued influence effect of misinformation: The mediating role of discomfort Duane Wegener Attitudes/Attitude Change, Fact-Checking/Corrections 2023
Mechanisms in continued influence: the impact of misinformation corrections on source perceptions Duane Wegener Attitudes/Attitude Change, Fact-Checking/Corrections 2023
Sharing of misinformation is habitual, not just lazy or biased Gizem Ceylan Behavioral Intervention, Social Media 2023