Selin Malkoc

Selin Malkoc

Selin Malkoc

Distinguished Professor, Department of Marketing and Logistics

510 Fisher Hall
2100 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH

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Areas of Expertise

  • Decision Making/Choice
  • Politics
  • Intertemporal Preferences
  • Time Consumption

I have been increasingly interested in how political polarization is affecting different parts of life. I am currently working on two projects. One of these examines how polarization results in political animosity towards out-groups in personal settings, how this is more pronounced for Democrats (vs. Republicans) and why this might be. I am also working on an operational project about how we implicitly or explicitly ignore the political middle in studying the effects of political affiliation, and how these individuals might not always simply lie between the two groups.

Fisher College of Business profile

Select Publications

Jin, J., Malkoc, S. A. &  Fazio, R. H. (2023). For Whom Do Boundaries Become Restrictions? The Role of Political Orientation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(7), 2118-2124. DOI.

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