
C-SPAM: Collaborative on the Science of Polarization and Misinformation, with graphics of envelope, mouse arrow, and caution exclamation mark.

C-SPAM is dedicated to understanding the science behind current societal divisions and the false and misleading information that fuels them. An interdisciplinary initiative housed in The Ohio State University's College of Arts and Sciences, we connect experts across fields to facilitate research with implications for communication, national security, public health, sustainability, and other sectors.

Affiliate Research

Learn about our affiliates' work and findings, which have been published in leading scholarly journals.

Recent News

Ohio State seal

We're hiring!

C-SPAM and the Department of Psychology seek up to four postdoctoral scholars interested in examining the psychology of extremism, polarization, misinformation and/or morality.

Richard Petty

Petty discusses roots of extremism on NBC 4's "The Spectrum"

Commenting on a recent neo-Nazi march in Columbus, affiliate Richard Petty, a professor in the Department of Psychology, shares insights from his research on the origins of extreme attitudes and…

A man in a dark suit gestures toward a projector screen while people seated around a table look on.

Ohio State researchers explore new opportunities with U.S. Air Force

By Lauren Pond

The Ohio State University is working to advance and diversify its research partnerships with the United States Air Force. This autumn, a program sponsored by the Enterprise for Research,…

Kurt Gray

Kurt Gray appointed as inaugural C-SPAM faculty director

By Lauren Pond

Leading moral psychology expert Kurt Gray has been appointed to head The Ohio State University’s new Collaborative on the Science of Polarization and Misinformation (C-SPAM) starting in…

People Directory

Associate Professor, School of Communication
(Arriving Autumn 2025) Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
Assistant Professor, School of Communication
Distinguished Professor, Chair, Department of Psychology